User Submitted Bumper Stickers
494 User Submitted Bumper Stickers so far.
111 to 120
(Pam is my mothers name) because she pissis and moans every dam second of the day
Submitted by horrny mamma
god made rivers, god made lakes, god make you. well, we all make mistakes.
Submitted by Tiffany
i'm not drunk...that's just the way i drive
Submitted by ~*LC*~
If you dont like my driving, THEN GET OFF THE SIDEWALK!
Submitted by Luceiia Britannicus
LOVE is a joke...why aren't you
Submitted by SEXYGurl0203
I can't miss you if you won't leave and
Submitted by Liz
my mother used to tell me the older you get the better you get, unless your a banana
Submitted by katie b
You Think I Look Funny, Look In a Mirror!
Submitted by HA HA HA !!!!
I'm not drunk, I'm NOt DruNK! ZI'mnOt DrUnKKK! NoT MI KRUND! I"M NwT Dr0nk! I'M nyt Rink!
Submitted by ~-xxSpikexKittenxx-~
Without life, I'd be dead.
Submitted by ~-xxSpikexKittenxx-~