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User Submitted Bumper Stickers
494 User Submitted Bumper Stickers so far.
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Boys are just like dogs, only not as cute!

Submitted by Me

Why the hell are you reading me, you should be watching the road, genius

Submitted by hav-fun-n-the-sun-get-laid-n-the-shade

Look, I may look dumb, but you are looking!

Submitted by SPAZ

Organized people are just to lazy to look for things

Submitted by SPAZ

officer will this sticker sayin "SUPPORT LAW INFORCEMENT" stop you from giving me a ticket?

Submitted by chelsea

You Say This Is Our Free Country!? Then Why The Fuck Does It Cost So Much To Live!?!?

Submitted by *~*Tori*~*

Are you following Jesus this close?

Submitted by kayla

my husband says he'll leave me if i dont stop shopping...lord i'll miss that man

Submitted by adrienne marie

Don't Piss me off. I'm running out of room to store the bodies.

Submitted by Kay

Friends are like four leaf clovers. Hard to find, but lucky to have.

Submitted by kay
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