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User Submitted Bumper Stickers
494 User Submitted Bumper Stickers so far.
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Your KID may be an honor student, but YOU'RE a moron!

Submitted by Haylerz Jo

why must i be condemmed to live with people who insist upon flaunting stupidity

Submitted by metallica81 rock on

The C in rap is silent.

Submitted by Malcolm Barclay

~~I hear voices..and they don't like you~~

Submitted by

Dear God, if you can't make me skinier, then please my friends fatter.

Submitted by

Go around its sunday!

Submitted by *~Lala~*

Are you always this stupid or is it just a special occasion???

Submitted by *Queeny*

Dont Like My American Flag Call 1-800-LEAVE -THE-USA

Submitted by ASHELY

It's only funny til some one gets hurt - then its hilarious!

Submitted by mrsdracomalfoy

Stop picking your nose, i can see you in my rear view mirror.

Submitted by
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