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User Submitted Bumper Stickers
494 User Submitted Bumper Stickers so far.
441 to 450

I'm not as think as you drunk I am!

Submitted by VNR

Indian word for "lousy hunter"

Submitted by edmond

take off your will help the wrinkels on your face

Submitted by angelchild

I'm Not a Lie. I'm not an Illusion, I'm a Princess so what's the confusion!

Submitted by The Racing Gurl

Guys are like parking spaces.
All the good ones are taken:)

Submitted by nikki(angel)


Submitted by *SaMiKiNz*

i've tried to see things from your part of view, but i can't get my head that far up my ass

Submitted by Kaitlin (the hottie)

If your gunna burn our flag, at least wrap your self up in it first!!!

Submitted by who knows

My Kid Kicked Your Honor Students Ass.

Submitted by *AmY*

So much roadkill, so few recepies!

Submitted by Jericho-holic
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