User Submitted Bumper Stickers
494 User Submitted Bumper Stickers so far.
371 to 380
Guys are like doornobs,
everyone gets a turn.
Submitted by None of YOUR business
Incest--It's a game the whole family can play!
Submitted by Kodi Kesey
No one is a virgin... Life screws us all!:)
Submitted by Ashley Lanning
If life didn't suck... we'd all fall off!
Submitted by Kodi Kesey
!~*IsWarE 2 dRuNk OcIfFeR i M nOt GoD*~!
Submitted by ~SlEePn BeAuTy~
When GOD created men he 4got their brains!
Submitted by Lisa Lulu26
Guys r like lava lamps not 2 bright but fun 2 look at
Submitted by Lisa Lulu26
I belive in Dragons, Fairys, Good Men, and other fairytale creatures!
Submitted by erin
~** iF iTs To LOUD... Ur To OLD!!! **~
Submitted by ?¿?SaBrInA?¿?
I'm in my own little world, but it's okay, they know me here.
Submitted by Athena