User Submitted Bumper Stickers
494 User Submitted Bumper Stickers so far.
341 to 350
If you're somoking in my car you better be on fire!
Submitted by Evil68
God made mud, God made dirt
God made boyz so grlz could flirt!
Submitted by action jackson
I'm busy, your ugly, so have a nice day!!!!
Submitted by PLC
You might look like a fox, but you gotta know how to walk it like a dawg!!
Submitted by The one and only Peggy!!!!!! aka Cheerleader
Im knot a dum blond im knot im knot
im knot!
Submitted by meee
gossip is sexy, gossip is good, if u dont gossip, u really should
Submitted by ur nightmare
if u werent so busy talkin on that danm cell phone i would shove it up ur ass
Submitted by kendra
your so ugly you scare the blind kids!
Submitted by missy katie
Kiss My Bumper!
Submitted by kissme~
This car is too perfect to go to heaven!
Submitted by la la