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User Submitted Bumper Stickers
494 User Submitted Bumper Stickers so far.
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I'm not prejudice, I hate every one!!!

Submitted by Laura Loves Jess

im like a rubix cube the more u play with me the harder i get

Submitted by little benny

evry one has the write to be stupid but your abusing the privlige

Submitted by little benny

i have friends , u just cant see them

Submitted by me of course

what if the hokey pokey IS really what its all about?

Submitted by megan

do u have a pink and purple hat?

Submitted by kevin allie

I'm not anti social, i just don't want to talk to you.

Submitted by gurgler

ossifer, ossifer i swear to drunk im not god

Submitted by ~Terese~

im not a other half iz

Submitted by ahhhhhhhhhh!

The mind is like a parachute, it only functions when open.

Submitted by scout
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